Maybe useful information...

Next to the treatment of Immodium ( I used to take this like candy, now i take it 1 a day) i was searching for an alternative way that was healthier for my bowel. Immodium is great but has the advantage that everything stops for a few hours and at the same time the disadvantage that everything stops..... once it begins again then it doesn't stops for like hours and hours and hours....
My brother in law gave me a different option and asked me to look on the web for Turmeric powder in combination with the bowel. If you click on the button below you see a little movie about it. He convinced me to use his recipe and make fresh paste of my own and so i did..... If i drink every day the milk ( i use a bit paste en boil it in milk lactose free- every milk is good except for milk of a cow) then i notice that my movement is much firmer. Not constipated but also no diarrhea. It's not a cure-all but it helps and if i can reduce my medication with it then i am happy! I drink it always before i go to sleep, in the night i don't drink or eat and is the effect better.....
If there are people who wants to know more about it don't hesitate to use the form!
If there are people who have other tips let me know and i will gladly put it on the website! If it can help other LARS-ians the we are doing a perfect job!